Università di Firenze.


Unit Head | Anna Rodolfi

About the Unit.

UniFi unit is formed by three members: Anna Rodolfi, associate professor in history of medieval philosophy and unit head, Francesco Ademollo, associate professor in history of ancient philosophy, and Marco Ciardi, full professor in history of science. Thanks to the diversified specialization of its components, the unit will contribute to the project research by investigating different aspects of prognostication across a wide time span (from Antiquity to early modern times). Rodolfi will focus on the medieval texts on prophecy and their relationships with natural prediction (with transcriptions of unedited texts: Anonymous author, ms. Dôle 81, ff. 344-353; Petrus Capuanus; Iohannes de Trevisio; Herbertus Autissiodorensis; Summa Ne trasgrediaris; Mattheus de Aquasparta); Ademollo will study the concept of future put forward in Aristotle’s On Interpretation; Ciardi will deal with prediction of natural catastrophes as a case study of the relationship between prophecy and early-modern science.

Team Members.


Associate Professor | History of Medieval Philosophy 

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Associate Professor | History of Ancient Philosophy 

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Full Professor | History of Science  

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Come to visit us.

Università di Firenze | Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia 

Via della Pergola, 60

​50121 - FIRENZE